The project #GreeningDryCleaning project, harmonized with EU directives and the Hellenic national legislation to reduce disposable plastics, chooses to create an innovative action and case study in the dry cleaning industry represented by small businesses. The project seeks to contribute towards a more environmentally friendly entrepreneurship and to involve more industries in the efforts for a more sustainable society. The project promotes a specific solution for the replacement of the plastic bag for transporting clothes adapted to the needs of these specific businesses. The project has a specific goal and strategy seeking to contribute to the transformation of the treatment of the plastic carrying bag as a whole by the consumer by enhancing information and knowledge to stakeholders and the wider community.
Project title: Actions to reduce disposable plastics in Greek Dry Cleaning Businesses #GreeningDryCleaning, Programme: Nature and innovative actions 2020, Axis: Topic A3 “Upgrading the Anthropogenic Environment”, Axis A.3.1 Development and implementation of policies or actions to prevent the use of plastics and replace the use of disposable plastics. Budget: 48,000 Euros, Funding: Green Fund, Beneficiary: Horizon, Center of Research, Technology and Innovation, Associate partner: Institute of Research and Technology
Institute members
- Stamatakis
- HORIZON is a non-for-profit organisation aiming at bridging the gap between science and society and encouraging smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in the areas of the environment, energy, culture, tourism, education and health, as well as, promoting of new technologies and innovative practices at local, national and global level. For more information: www.horizon.org.gr
- The Panhellenic Federation of Dry Cleaners, Carpet Cleaners, Laundries, Ironers, Dyeers and related professions, is a secondary grade trade union founded in 1977 aiming at the cultivation and dissemination of the union spirit and solving the various problems of the sectors represented. The Federation is a key actor for the social dialogues with the State and with any legal entity under public or private law, whose aims and activities are related to the general interests of the industries,. In addition it promotes and strengthens any initiative for improving the commercial activity. Members of the Federation are the legally operating professional associations that have as their members natural persons, who carry out legal professional activity, ie dry cleaners, carpet cleaners, ironers, laundries, painters and any other related profession in a prefecture geographical level. In special cases, members and associations can become members if they exercise their activity and have members from three (3) different neighboring prefectures. For more information visit https://www.cleaningfed.gr/
The project is supported by the Panhellenic Federation of Dry Cleaners, Carpet Cleaners, Laundries, Ironers, Painters and related professions (https://www.cleaningfed.gr/) and the Biopolitics International Organisation (https://biopolitics.gr/), while it is funded by the Green Fund.
The project #GreeningDryCleaning project, harmonized with EU directives and the Hellenic national legislation to reduce disposable plastics, chooses to create an innovative action and case study in the dry cleaning industry represented by small businesses.