Short CV
Emmanuel Stamatakis: PhD in Chemical Engineering (thesis on flow in porous media using radiotracers); Master in Production Management Systems (thesis on Multi-Criteria Decision Making for the optimal choice of a desalination technology). Currently he holds a Research Position at the Institute of GeoEnergy (IG) [former Institute of Petroleum Research (IPR)] of the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH) on Environment & Renewable fuels. In the past he has been working as a Research Collaborator for various Research Centers in Greece and abroad for over 15 years in the fields of Petroleum Research, Renewable Energy, Hydrogen Technology and Environmental Protection. He has been acting as the main liaison between the industry and the research community on various hydrogen energy & environmental issues during his career, having fulfilled a large number of industrial research programs through his active participation in all stages, from the preparation and submission of the proposal until the successful completion of the project, having delivered numerous industrial technical reports. Involved as a research scientist in various National & International environmental & hydrogen energy projects such as: SHIP-FC - Piloting Multi MW Ammonia Ship Fuel Cells (NCSRD, Greece); DEMO4GRID – Demonstration of 4MW Pressurized Alkaline Electrolyser for Grid Balancing Services (DBC, Greece); PERL - Enhancing the research potential of the NCSRD Environmental Research Laboratory (NCSRD, Greece); STORIES – Addressing barriers to Storage technologies for increasing the penetration of Intermittent Energy Sources (CRES, Greece); ENGINE - Enhanced Geothermal Innovative Network for Europe (NCSRD, Greece); KMBSCALE for the study of calcite scale formation in production wells using nuclear techniques (IFE, Norway); HDR-geo for the simulation of scale deposition in geothermal installations (IFE, Norway); ARISSTON for the experimental investigation of scaling in core samples using radioactive tracers (IFE, Norway). Significant experience in project management and project proposal preparation & evaluation.
Interests: Hydrogen and fuel cell technologies; Alternative fuels; Renewable energy systems; Energy storage; Environmental technology; Tracer technology; Flow processes in geological reservoirs