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Gournis Dimitrios
Affiliated Faculty
Assistant Professor, University of Ioannina (UoI), Greece
+30 28210 37749

Short CV

Dimitrios Gournis is a Professor of Materials Chemistry in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE) at University of Ioannina (UoI), Greece. He is an experimental synthetic chemist working in the area of layered and nanoporous materials. His research interests are focused on the synthesis, characterization and study of the properties of layered (2D) materials, carbon nanostructures, hybrid organic–inorganic nanocomposites, metallic nanoparticles, mesoporous materials and biocatalysts. Research approach is interdisciplinary and covers structural, chemistry and engineering aspects of materials and focuses on the areas of catalytic, energy, environmental, magnetic, electronic, optical, composite construction, bio-related and medical applications. He is the author of 217 international publications in peer reviewed journals (ΣΙF= 1316.3 and IF/paper = 6.1) acknowledged with more than 10,000 citations (>8700 without self-citations) and h-index 50 (Google Scholar). He has also published 5 chapters (invited-refereed) in international books, 4 papers (refereed/3 invited) in book series, 3 technical reports and has 4 international patents, while he has given 41 invited talks in conferences and institutions. He has successfully accomplished the supervision of 18 PhD and 29 MSc Theses and he has supervised more than 170 students in their Diploma Thesis. He has participated as Principal Investigator (10), main researcher (18) or Program coordinator (4) in 32 funded European and National (Greek) programs. Finally, he is Associate Editor/member of the editorial board of Frontiers in Materials, Molecules, Nanomaterials and Materials Futures while he has been a member of the board (2016-2018) of the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI, elected representative of Univ. of Ioannina). Finally, he’s been the Director of the MSc programs “Chemistry and Technology of Materials” (2018-2022) and “Advanced Materials Technologies” (2022-today) of UoI.